Monday, July 26, 2004


With the success of Girls Gone Wild, it was only a matter of time before every sexually frustrated college student with a camcorder and a six beer buzz was making documentaries about the female form.  We all remeber the subpar spinoffs such as Girls Gone to McDonald's, which included a strangely erotic scene with a tub of Big Mac Special Sauce.  Of course, this voyeuristic artform reached an all time low with the DVD reality series, "Which One is My Sister?" in which unknowing young men were tricked into uncomfortable and socially unacceptable relationships.  I do not feel the need to elaborate on this sac of cinematic vomit. 

However, it seems the latest offering from our young filmmaking friends is rather promising: Girls Gone to the Conventions.  Let's get serious, convention is a fancy word for weeklong alcohol binges in the comfort of like-minded individuals.  Would it be unreasonable to assume that at some point during the debauchery there was the occasional congressional titty-slip?  Whether it was voluntary or simply the result of a poorly tailored business suit, delegates can easily revert back to drunk college girls when they're in front of the camera lens.  With the such high profile names making appearances on the $9.99 DVD, it should be no surprise to see a variety of lawsuits spring up in the next few months.  Bill Clinton was even in the house on Monday night.

I am completely in favor of hedonistic, multi-day events to celebrate allegiance to a particular person or organization, and I think it is only necessary and arguably part of one's civic duty to document and capitalize on the exploits of these "political parties."   

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