Monday, June 07, 2004

Free Weavis

Shackled by the chains of an intolerant society and labeled as an outcast, Owen Weaver is has become a fixture in the Orange radical movement. Known to friends and cats simply as Weavis, he frequents underground coffee bars to preach his romantic idealism to the masses.

"I first met him at McDonald's," says Marian Wilkins, owner of "He was yelling and pumping his first. Of course there wasn't anyone around him but his act lasted for about half an hour." She adds, "I was immediately intrigued."

Wilkins' fascination would only grow with time and soon she was attending weekly Weavis rallies. The mood was right for a revolution, and Wilkins' says Weavis would drop subtle hints about a "change in times."

Little did she know that these "hints" were being closely monitored by Orange central intelligenece agency. Apparently censorship still runs rampant, in Orange and Weavis would soon feel the strong grasp of big brother when the police raided one of his gatherings.

"I was talking with my friends," says a Weavis sympathizer who wished to remain nameless and faceless. "Before I knew it everyone was running to the cars yelling,'Fuzz, Fuzz.'"

Just as their parents had over thirty years ago, these college students had become the victims of an authoritarian regime, working to stomp out any form of dissidence. The party was dissolved within minutes as police occupied the quaint residence. They interrogated the tattered revolutionary for almost an hour, making long-distance calls on his home phones. He was quarantined from the few remaining guests and shown pictures of fellow upstarts. Just as suspected, Weavis kept silent through the entire ordeal and was slapped with a ticket for a court appearance on June 7.

I thought creativity facilitated democracy. I thought freedom of expression applied to all ideas, not just those sympathetic to the status quo. I thought the words of our forefathers still rang as true today as at the signing of the constitution.


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