Sunday, June 06, 2004

Urban Camping

Thousands of Americans enjoy the serenity of the outdoors by taking annual camping trips. These trips usually take place in remote areas of the country, untouched by the effects of industry and technology. Many people feel that camping in the woods is a spiritual experience. They can leave their world of cell phones and business appointments and bask in the peacefulness of nature.

Maybe it's because I go to school in a city, but I am a bigger fan of the other type of camping. That's right, urban camping. Some people say, "Hey, you can't camp in an urban environment. Where are the animals and the rivers?" That's cool. But I say, "Hey when I look out on a booming metropolis, I see an adventure." Those people standing on the corner, wearing three overcoats, and that guy with greasy hair, whose underpants are on the outside of his pants aren't homeless, no sir. These are the hordes of fearless urban campers, storming American cities. They exchange tents for corrugated cardboard and backpacks for shopping carts. They view vagrancy not as a sociological issue but as a recreational activity.

Urban Campers of the world unite!!!!

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