Saturday, June 12, 2004

I think I downloaded a pastrami sandwich on rye today. I was looking at a webpage that discusses the cultural significance of The Cosby Show when I clicked on a link entitled "Theo's Pet Peeves." For a second a picture of an older Theodre Huxtable appeared on the screen. It was the one where he had that flat-top with the fat ass fade and the little tail on the back. I begged my mom for like two weeks to get a hair cut like that, but she told me that white, Jewish kids can't usually grow flat-tops. Needless to say I grew a tail.

Anyway it was at that precise moment when a hot pastrami sandwich with swiss cheese melted tucked between the red folds landed in my lap. There was no plate and some of the cheese spilled on my brown cords. Well, I had to eat the sandwich, and when I was done I looked back up at my computer screen. Theo was looking right at me.

I'm not sure, but I think that was a sign...

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